Celebrate the Winter Solstice

Happy Winter Solstice!

We are approaching the longest night of the Year on Thursday, December 21st-- The Winter solstice, Or Yule. A time of honoring the darkness and welcoming back the light.

The darkness of this time of year can feel bleak, depressing, and at times, oppressive. It can be easy to dread winter and everything that comes with it. But what if, we embraced Winter?

What if we embraced the slowing down, the turning inward, the REST? What if we allowed space in the darkness to feel our feelings and to hold ourselves through them? What if we honored that we are NOT meant to be productive 24/7? We are meant to experience seasons and cycles. We are meant to slow down and root down so we can grow bigger, stronger, and more resilient.

To finish out the year, I also released a podcast all about the Winter Solstice, what it means to me and how I am celebrating this year. It's the last Fuel your Feel Good Podcast of the year and then I will be taking a break for January (and honestly, maybe February) as I prepare to launch Yoga Lee and a few other good things into the world. Don't worry though! The Pod will be back in the spring with amazing guests, fun SOLOs and more meditations:)

What Is the Winter Solstice?

The Winter Solstice is one of the four solar festivals of the year— a wheel of the year celebration. IT is celebrated on December 21st in the Norther Hemisphere and June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Winter solstice is when the path of the sun in the sky is farthest south, at its lowest point in the Northern Hemisphere. This makes it the longest night of the year and the shortest day of the year.

The Winter solstice is commonly known as the first day of winter. it is also known as Yule— a time for gathering in darkness and honoring the return of the light

Last Call: Live Good, Feel Good Swag!

Grab yourself some cozy, comfy gear for your winter workouts. I picked some of my current favorite styles to outfit you with logos such as "Live Good, Feel Good" and "Fuel Your Feel Good" to remind you that life is meant to feel good!

Now Offering Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy!

This Fall I undertook a Pelvic Floor certification course with Herman and Wallace and can now officially say I am a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist-- offering internal and external exams. I am also in the midst of completing Brianna Battle's Pregnancy and Post Partum Coach Certification in hopes of bringing more prenatal and post natal programming to Yoga Lee!

Need a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Session?

I am accepting new clients the first week of January 2024!

Yoga Lee: Join the Community

I am deep in renovation mode for my new endeavor: Yoga Lee. Like truly in the thick of sanding, painting and cleaning brick walls. I love it and I am impatient to have beautiful souls in the space to sahre yoga with. If you live in the Berkshires or visit the Berkshires and want to know all the latest details, please sign up for our waitlist! If you are interested in helping the studio get off the ground, please join our Kickstarter and get some sweet perks:)

Last Podcast Episode of the Year!

Fuel Your Feel Good Podcast will be taking a break for the month of January and most likely February. Personally, I will be taking a bit of a mental break and professionally, I will be getting Yoga Lee up and running. I am looking forward to getting back into the podcast with renewed energy, amazing guests and fun features:)

For now, have a listen to our last podcast guest- Jess Heiss as we chat all things Mindset, Body Image and Honoring the Season you are in.

Dr. Kerry McGinn PT, DPT, RYT
Live Good, Feel Good
(516) 318-6627

Hi! I'm Kerry!

I'm a Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher, MindBody Coach and aspiring writer! Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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