Hello again...

Hello old friend,

It's been a while, I know. If you don't remember who I am or when/why you signed up for this newsletter, I get it. I haven't been in your inbox since December of 2023. To be honest, I didn't truly realize it had been that long and I'm a bit embarrassed and astonished that so much time has passed.

So first, a little re-introduction: Hi! My name is Kerry McGinn. By trade, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a 500 hour Yoga Teacher, and a personal trainer. I'm a lover of all things movement, mindfulness and mother nature-- I am constantly in motion while also craving times of deep stillness, especially outdoors. If you're on this newsletter, you probably met me at one of my events in Boston or the Berkshires, have been a Physical Therapy patient of mine or we crossed paths on the beautiful and complex world of the interwebs. However you found your way here, thank you for being here!

Since last we spoke, or I spoke and you read, I have renovated a yoga studio with my partner Chris, opened said Yoga Studio: Yoga Lee and been completely consumed by launching and bettering the studio for the community in Lee, MA. It has been an absolute whirlwind filled with some of the best highs that life has to offer and some intense, anxiety inducing lows. I am grateful for both.

Over the past few months, my schedule has been chaotic while also grounded by my in-studio classes. I have felt like I am doing all the right things and none of the right things at the same time. I have thought "THIS, this is what I have been looking for my whole adult life." and also "holy shit, what have I done. I can't do this." I am a big fan of the idea of both/and these days. I am happy, grateful and content while also feeling vulnerable, terrified and overwhelmed. That's owning a small business though isn't it? Heck, that's creating something that you put your whole heart into, isn't it? (I know I have quite a few artists and writers, so I can imagine that you get it a bit)

It's been a beautiful journey and 7 months into studio ownership, I feel like space is opening up so I can embrace all aspects of who I am as a human and a professional. And that is while after almost 8 months, I am back in your inbox. I am feeling called to step back into this space-- writing newsletters, re-launching my podcast, Fuel your Feel Good, accepting new Physical Therapy clients and getting back into writing. I am also feeling called to pursue some new opportunities that have presented themselves to be-- hosting yoga retreats, creating yoga continuing education programs and supporting yoga teachers to be the best they can be.

So, with all that said-- hi! how have you been? where have YOU been these past 8 months? I would love to hear from you.

And for now, I will be back with more details of where you can find me, how we can work together and what I will be offering in the coming months. (think more yoga, nervous system regulation, healing chronic pain, and fun tips to get you moving) If this no longer feels like the space for you, I understand-- please feel free to hit unsubscribe below. Otherwise stick around and we will chat soon!

xx Kerry

Where we can connect currently:

I am active over on instagram at both @dr.kerrymcginn and @yogaleestudio -- come say hi!

Yoga Lee Studio offers 25 classes a week, 7 days a week-- if you live or visit the Berkshires, come say hi!!

Sunset Yoga at Naumkeag has been a huge hit again this year-- come catch the Yoga Lee staff at Naumkeag on sundays at 6:30 in August!

Fuel Your Feel Good podcast is available everywhere you listen to podcasts and will be re-launching in September with a greater focus on women's health and stress management

I am hosting a yoga retreat in the Azores in March of 2025!! interested in learning more? reply to the email-- more details and VIP waitlist launching next week!

Dr. Kerry McGinn PT, DPT, RYT
Live Good, Feel Good

Berkshire County, MA
(516) 318-6627

Hi! I'm Kerry!

I'm a Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher, MindBody Coach and aspiring writer! Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

Read more from Hi! I'm Kerry!

Retreat with Me & Yoga Lee in the Azores! Hi friends, I hope that this email finds you well! I am emailing today to let you know about an incredible retreat that I am planning March 9th - 14th to the Azores Islands of Portugal which wouldn't be the same without you there! I have been dreaming of running a yoga & nervous system reset retreat for YEARS now. It is an absolute dream come true to bring this special experience to you. This retreat will be all inclusive of: 5 nights / 6 days of...

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Last chance for discounts! This is the last email I will be sending re: November Sales. Thank you for being here on this newsletter, thank you for your support, thank you for being you! I know this time of year can be a LOT of emails and a LOT of crazy sales. I have many mixed feelings on it(that maybe we can unpack together at some point) but as a small business owner figuring their way around in this BIG world, I am just so grateful for each and every person who takes the time to read my...