
Hi! I'm Kerry!

I'm a Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher, MindBody Coach and aspiring writer! Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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Retreat with Me in the Azores!

Retreat with Me & Yoga Lee in the Azores! Hi friends, I hope that this email finds you well! I am emailing today to let you know about an incredible retreat that I am planning March 9th - 14th to the Azores Islands of Portugal which wouldn't be the same without you there! I have been dreaming of running a yoga & nervous system reset retreat for YEARS now. It is an absolute dream come true to bring this special experience to you. This retreat will be all inclusive of: 5 nights / 6 days of...

Hello old friend, It's been a while, I know. If you don't remember who I am or when/why you signed up for this newsletter, I get it. I haven't been in your inbox since December of 2023. To be honest, I didn't truly realize it had been that long and I'm a bit embarrassed and astonished that so much time has passed. So first, a little re-introduction: Hi! My name is Kerry McGinn. By trade, I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a 500 hour Yoga Teacher, and a personal trainer. I'm a lover of all...

Happy Winter Solstice! We are approaching the longest night of the Year on Thursday, December 21st-- The Winter solstice, Or Yule. A time of honoring the darkness and welcoming back the light. The darkness of this time of year can feel bleak, depressing, and at times, oppressive. It can be easy to dread winter and everything that comes with it. But what if, we embraced Winter? What if we embraced the slowing down, the turning inward, the REST? What if we allowed space in the darkness to feel...

Last chance for discounts! This is the last email I will be sending re: November Sales. Thank you for being here on this newsletter, thank you for your support, thank you for being you! I know this time of year can be a LOT of emails and a LOT of crazy sales. I have many mixed feelings on it(that maybe we can unpack together at some point) but as a small business owner figuring their way around in this BIG world, I am just so grateful for each and every person who takes the time to read my...

Sales Ends TONIGHT at Midnight! As a reminder, my seasonal sales are ending tonight at midnight. I am currently offering 3 and 5 pack session for Physical Therapy and as of December 1st, they will be put on pause for the remainder of the year. IF you would like to purchase an extra package in, each client can purchase 2 packages per person. Package sales will be going on hold because in the New Year, I will be offering an updated payment structure and system of care . Prices per 1 hour...

How You doing Friends? I hope you all had a beautiful and wonderful holiday weekend with family, friends and pets alike! I also hope were able to spend some time relaxing and maybe opting outside. I always find the days after a holiday to be strange--- it feels like time doesn't exist, but it does, I never know when to eat or what to eat, but I should, and I live in soft pants. But hey, isn't that what this time of year is for? The past few years of my life I have been truly trying to step...

Reminder: FREE Virtual Yoga 9am on Turkey Day Just wanted to pop into your inbox and remind you that I will be hosting a FREE virtual Yoga Class this Thursday at 9am. Invite anyone and everyone you would like! This class will be a preview of our Feel Good Flow Class at Yoga Lee. If you are interested in learning about the class offerings at Yoga Lee, Check out our website which is being constantly updated with new information as we continue this journey towards our opening date! Here is the...

FREE Virtual Turkey Day Yoga! This just in!! I have decided to teach a virtual FREE Turkey Day Yoga Class as a extra special thank you for my Live Good, Feel Good and Yoga Lee community. I miss teaching to you all and I miss teaching Thanksgiving day yoga. So, Let's flow!! I will be teaching the signature Feel Good Flow that you can expect at Yoga Lee when we open in Early 2024! Grab your mat, grab your family and we will flow on Thanksgiving morning together. IF you have two blocks, I...

Thanks for being here! This year has seen quite the change for my business and I so I wanted to say an extra special THANK YOU to each and every one of you who is here, reading this email and supporting me from near and far. As a small business owner, it is you who not only helps me stay in business but keeps me feeling inspired. Today, I took a moment to review the past few years of instagram content, youtube content and blog content I have created. It was a beautiful trip down memory lane...

And then it was November... hello my friends, how are you on this beautiful, blustery November? Genuinely.... how are you feeling? Take a moment to pause here. Take a deep breathe and even just ask yourself-- how do I feel right now. I'll wait.... So often we are asked how we are doing and we don't actually answer it. Maybe you feel like the person asking doesn't really care or you don't really want to check in with yourself right now or you don't feel like you are in a safe space to be...